Friday, August 14, 2009


The last time I posted on here, asking for an opinion, I decided to go with none of the options I had put forth for discussion. With that awesome track record behind me, I'm once again asking for opinions.

Which buttons? They are the two choices I have on hand. As you know, I am not one to make up my mind, so I might find even better buttons down the line, but if you had to choose between these two....


  1. If I had to pick between these two buttons, I'd go with the ones on the left. Or the ones on the right.

    Tee hee. Do either of them make you feel icky? Seriously, they're both really nice looking. It depends on the look you're going for - kind of funky on the left or classic on the right. It might also help for us to see them on the whole sweater.

    I know. I'm no help at all.

  2. The ones on the left. I like the funkiness about them. :-)

  3. I like the one on the right, but that's the engineer in me talking. :)

  4. I also like the ones on the right. Are they darker color than the left ones? If so, there will be a greater contrast with the light greg yarn.

  5. I really like the ones on the right...but it's your choice. :-)

  6. They're both cool buttons, but I like the simpler ones on the right.
